Tuesday, February 22, 2011

things i am excited about this week

The 7 things I am excited about his week:
1.) Abbigail Faye Roberts turned 3 yesterday. I continue to thank my God everytime I get to kiss her sweet face. She is a beautiful blessing to my life, I am one proud Aunt Kiki.

2.) Nick finally took down the christmas lights on our house. Yes, I am aware that it's February. There are some battles just not worth fighting.

3.) I got a massive package of Starbucks coffee from Sam's Club.

4.) Finally got to sit down and watch the Grammy's, and I have to say, Lady Gaga is psycho, but I can't get "Born This Way" out of my head.

5.) I get a Skype date with Hayley Batten this week...happiness!

6.) I colored my hair brown. Back to the basics baby, and I love it!

7.) I am making Peanut Chicken Stir-fry for dinner tonight.
Have a blessed week bloggies :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

home projects galore

This past weekend was pretty crazy, messy, dusty, rainy, LOUD, and even a little bloody in the Dittman home. Yes, it's renovation time, and I am thrilled!

We are doing crown molding, higher/"prettier" baseboards, thicker door frames, chair rail, and a fresh coat of paint (red kitchen people!) And when I say "we" I mean Nick, and our dear friend Bryan (he's the one who knows what he's doing...praises) My job is to keep their tummy's full, pass nail guns/tape measures up the ladders, and bandage bloody fingers. Poor Nick even had a hammer fall right on his face! On the bridge of his nose! Holy ouchness! But, he looks totally tough now :)

As any home project goes, compromise is a must.

"Do you like this one, or this one?"

" Higher or lower?"

" Khaki? On these walls too? Then the WHOLE house will be that color!"

"I already know your gonna hate this, but here's my oppinion..."

Kristin: "Babe, we need a new bedspread." Nick: "The one we have is fine." Kristin: "Um, no it's not, there's a hole in it." Nick: "Who cares, it's fine."

Yes, this will take time...more to come. And I promise I will post pics soon. My camera has been broken forever, so hold tight.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

i heart my kitchen

For those of you who don't know...I LOVE to cook. Like it, love it, lerve it. I so enjoy trying out new recipe's and putting a new twist on a old tried and true favorite. I love curling up on the couch at night, and planning out my meals for the week. Food Network and I are BFF'S. It's truly become a passion of mine. My outlet, my happy place.

This has not always been the case.

When Nick and I first got married, I was thrilled to test out my "skills" in the kitchen. I just knew I would be Mrs. Betty Crocker, and that my new husband would lovingly rave about my fabulous meals...

What a dumb bride I was.

I had no clue what I was doing! Zero, zilch, nada! I made some pretty terrible meals in the first few months of our marriage. One night, I served Mountain Dew chicken...Yep, that's right folks, chicken marinated in Mountain Dew. Oh. My. Gosh. Gag me! And bless his heart, Nick choked it down, and said with a smile, "It's not that bad Kris." Then would secretly sneak out and get a cheeseburger at McDonalds. We ate a lot of sandwhich's and cereal for dinner that first year, a lot.

Goodness, this just makes me laugh now. Back then I was crying my eyes out! I wanted badly to master the art of cooking and baking. I wanted my husband to brag to all his friends what a fabulous chef he had at home. I was determined, man! The more I practiced and researched different methods and techniques, the better I became. I was down right proud when friends asked for my recipe. YESSSSSSSSSS!

Today, almost 5 years later, I am proud to say that I'm a pretty good cook, not to be confused with Giada De Laurentiis now, but I can hold my own. It fills me with such joy to entertain, and have dinner parties in our home. I love the smell of a roasted chicken baking away in the oven, or the sweet cinnamon goodness of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies cookies floating through our home. I heart my kitchen, so very much.

What are some of your favorite recipe's bloggers?


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I was watching Oprah last night (LOVE Ti vo), and she was doing a show on happiness.


Weird, right? A poll on happiness? It kinda makes me sad to think about it. But none the less, I took the dang quiz. Just for fun.

I am considered happy :)

I think happiness is a choice. We choose to be happy, or miserable, and this world is filled with a lot of miserable people! I mean really, it takes more effort to be unhappy than happy. Here are a few things that have made me smile this week...

1.) My husband called me this morning, just to say "I love you"
2.) My Verizon bill is $4.00 less this month...hey, every little bit counts!
3.) I talked to my Grandpa on my way into work. He is having knee replacement surgery today. He told me he was standing "butt naked" in his bedroom talking on the phone.
4.) I got a free Grande coffee delivered to my desk this morning.
5.)I made banana pudding 3 nights ago, and ate almost the entire thing by myself.
6.) It's February, and that means yoga classes start at Balanced Therapy, LLC!
7.) Tuesday and Thursday are $1.99 happy meals at McDonalds. *Note: apple slices instead of fries kids...fight the urge!

What are some things that make you happy?
