For those of you who don't know...I LOVE to cook. Like it, love it, lerve it. I so enjoy trying out new recipe's and putting a new twist on a old tried and true favorite. I love curling up on the couch at night, and planning out my meals for the week. Food Network and I are BFF'S. It's truly become a passion of mine. My outlet, my happy place.
This has not always been the case.
When Nick and I first got married, I was thrilled to test out my "skills" in the kitchen. I just knew I would be Mrs. Betty Crocker, and that my new husband would lovingly rave about my fabulous meals...
What a dumb bride I was.
I had
no clue what I was doing! Zero, zilch, nada! I made some pretty terrible meals in the first few months of our marriage. One night, I served Mountain Dew chicken...Yep, that's right folks, chicken marinated in Mountain Dew. Oh. My. Gosh. Gag me! And bless his heart, Nick choked it down, and said with a smile, "It's not
that bad Kris." Then would secretly sneak out and get a cheeseburger at McDonalds. We ate a lot of sandwhich's and cereal for dinner that first year, a lot.
Goodness, this just makes me laugh now. Back then I was crying my eyes out! I wanted badly to master the art of cooking and baking. I wanted my husband to brag to all his friends what a fabulous chef he had at home. I was determined, man! The more I practiced and researched different methods and techniques, the better I became. I was down right proud when friends asked for my recipe. YESSSSSSSSSS!
Today, almost 5 years later, I am proud to say that I'm a pretty good cook, not to be confused with Giada De Laurentiis now, but I can hold my own. It fills me with such joy to entertain, and have dinner parties in our home. I love the smell of a roasted chicken baking away in the oven, or the sweet cinnamon goodness of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies cookies floating through our home. I heart my kitchen, so very much.
What are some of your favorite recipe's bloggers?