Monday, July 30, 2012

family matters

I am full of happiness, and fresh off a 3 day vay-cay from reality with some of the greatest people on this planet.

My fabulous, and crazy family...just missing brother Chance in Washington :(

Nothing fills my soul more than spending time with these sweet faces. We laugh till our stomach's hurt, and can talk about literally anything. It's good. It's fulfilling. It's like air to my lungs. I miss them...a lot.

My brothers...gosh their pretty. And humble. And funny. And tan. And muscles. And scared of anything that touch's their feet in the Gulf. Love them.

Mom and Dad...I mean could they get any cuter? Ok, maybe if you insert two little girls in pink tutu's?


My Dad, the most giving, Godly, goofy, and humble man I know. One of a kind. And my Mom. She's life, and love, and un-masked. She's funny, and strong, and I need her more than anything.

And my sister. I don't know if I could ever put into words what she means to me. She's my priceless treasure. I'm a better person because of Alexa Rae.

I love every moment I'm given with my family, but somehow it's just never enough time. I'm blessed, times 6 by their presence.

We celebrated 3 birthday's, drank too many strawberry daiquiri's, chased stingray's, and laughed about reading 50 Shades of a row. Literally.

My heart is full. My body is less white, and my soul is simply blessed.

Don't miss these moments, friends. Enjoy the people you love most, because this is the good stuff.

Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

public restroom disgrace

Warning: Today's post may/may not contain TMI. Just sayin'.

Yesterday I went to Target on my lunch break.

I do this often, but I don't always buy stuff. Just sometimes. I do heart clearance.

Most day's I just need to stretch my legs, and get a little change of scenery before I head back to work.

I walk into Target, and make a bee line for the ladies room. I've been on this smoothie kick, so I now frequent the porcelain express.

I really hate public restrooms! Truly! They are usually disgusting, smelly, and it's just an all together unpleasent experience that I try to avoid.

But when you drink a lot of's pretty unavoidable.

Inside the restroom there were 5 people in line. Really? It's 1PM on a Tuesday. What's happening? After the 5 people in line each proceed to tell me, "Oh, I'm not in line..." I gratefully slip into the next available stall.

Not relief.

There's no purse/coat hook on the door!

Nothing!! Nowhere to place my purse when I tinkle!

I tried to smoosh it ontop of the toilet paper container, but since I carry everything a girl could possibly want/need in this purse...umbrella, vitamins, make-up, body spray's, hairbrush, sunglasses, contact solution, nutrition bars, etc...that wasn't happening.

Floor? Out of the question!

So, I clutch my suitcase purse in my hands, as I hover over the potty all the while thinking to myself how awkward, and super uncomfortable this situation is. If only there was a blessed hook on the flippin door!

Word to the wise, ladies. Consider this next time you tinkle.

Your welcome.


Monday, July 2, 2012

pointed fingers

Y'all, I'm burdened, and struggling today.

Why do we judge? Why are we so quick to cast blame when our own lives are marred with sin? Why is it so easy to see other's fault's, but we are somehow blinded by our shiny plastic exterior? I posted Casting Crown's video this morning on my Facebook wall. Their lyrics are profound, and this song never ceases to bring conviction to my heart.

"Jesus, friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away; We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to swing; Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see; The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me; Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded; A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided;

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners; Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers; Let our hearts be led by mercy; Help us reach with open hearts and open doors; Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours."

When I was in high school, I was such a sad example of Jesus. I was the WWJD bracelett with the pointed finger. I acted holier-than-thou, and was so quick to stand in judgement of my classmates who chose to live life different from me. Gosh, it literally makes me sick. I was so immature, and severely hung up on legalism.

I think we could all use a heart check every now and then, bloggies. I want to be remembered as one that loved, because He first loved me. I want to forgive, because I am a cleansed product of Grace. I want to accept, because I am welcomed with unconditional acceptance.

Romans 2:1 (NIV)
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Choose THIS day to be authentic in your love for people, sweet friends!
