Wednesday, November 24, 2010

give thanks


So tomorrow is the big day! The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, the picture perfect ham & turkey, the endless sides, (laden with 1000's of calories) Grandma's homemade rolls, the pies, the laughter, friends and family gathering around a table to give thanks for the many blessings we are given. Just gives me chills.

My Mom always made Thanksgiving an "event" in our home. The table was beautifully set with her special china, and each setting had a little name tag. Each year, she would extend a invitation to anyone that didn't have a family, or place to spend Thanksgiving. We would then all take turns going around the table, and sharing what we were thankful for. It is one of my most treasured memories, and I will greatly miss that this year.

2010 has been a hard year for me. It's been a struggle to maintain a thankful heart in the midst of loss and pain. I got a healthy reminder of that last Sunday. I attended service at Grace Family Church with my Aunt Pat. Pastor Craig Altman delivered a great sermon titled "If Only I Had." "...Many times in our lives, we fail to see God's blessings. We say, 'If only I had...' and focus on what we want or think we need. Our happiness is completely based on our circumstances. By examining what causes our ungratefulness, and remembering what God has done for us, we can develop a grateful heart once again and rest in His perfect provision."


So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving. I shall count my blessings, name them one by one:

1.) I am thankful for my salvation. I am thankful that I have a God that loves me with a passionate, endless love. I am accepted in His eyes! PRAISES!

2.) I am thankful for my family, oh how I love and miss their faces!!

3.) I am thankful for my "extended family" in FL. That I have a place to spend Thanksgiving this year.

4.) I am thankful for awesome friendships. They love, encourage, strengthen and grow me! My girls rock!

5.) I am thankful for my job, that I am capable of working and supporting myself.

6.) I am thankful for my health, and that I have been spared so far from all this sickness mess floating around. Take your vitamins kids!

7.) I am thankful for my home. It's kind of a "war-zone" right now, but it holds a lot of sweet memories, and I treasure those.

8.) I am thankful for my bed. It's a cloud of comfort...nuff said!

9.) I am thankful for my rat terrier, Cowboy. He just makes me smile, and I can do no wrong in his eyes :)

10.) I am thankful for my french press. Makes me a sweet, alive person every morning.

What are your blessings Bloggies?

- KD

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