What makes a home? Does it matter where it is?
Does it matter how big it is? Or how small?
Does it matter what you have in it?
I can honestly say, I
love my home. It's not fancy, and it's not huge. It's not on a secluded beach, and it's not on a quiet cul de sac. It definitely does not have expensive things, but it's
The glass stove top is slightly stained from the many nights of homemade meals being prepared. The master bedroom door creaks slightly from the times I have slammed it out of anger (It's a terrible childlike habit, I know). You can tell the things I have hung on the walls because they are slightly off center, or have numerous nail holes. I refuse to measure. The garage is always cluttered with "junk" (or rather the things my husband refuses to throw away b\c they can be used again.) No matter how many times I clean the slider door to the patio, it's spotted with tiny nose prints from Blue Kitty and Cowboy.
Our fridge is always full of healthy foods, and fresh iced tea or crystal light. You can also typically find at least 3 different flavors of coffee creamer. There is a large ceramic dish on the counter that always has banana's, avacado's, tomato's and a head of garlic. The DVR is usually out of recording space due to my obsession with: Keeping up with the Kardashians, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Tyler's Ultimate, and Army Wives. The laundry basket is normally half full, no matter what. My flip flops, and Nick's camouflage crocs are usually by the back door. There are pictures everywhere of our families and friends.
I love my home. I enjoy my home, and it's uniquely ours.
Happy Thursday