My how things can change...
9 years ago we cared about tan lines, our weight, and the huge, unknown future...
This time, we still care about tan lines, but are more wise about using sunscreen. We actually wear it. We are white. Pasty white, and we embrace it. No one cares about being a size 2, or 4, or whatever anymore. We want to be healthy, and as long as our husbands still whistle when we walk into the room, than we're happy. We talk grocery bills, and coupons (note to self: start couponing) They talk about their children, and I love to hear their crazy stories of motherhood, breast feeding, sleeping through the night, and just enjoying a peaceful adult conversation without interruption...a luxury.
My personal favorite: We all got together for dinner the night before the beach, husbands, kids, and all. Calleigh (Allison's daughter) said, "Mommy, that orange boy keeps taking my toy." That "orange boy" being Liz's son Ethan, who was wearing a orange shirt. I love their kids! I love seeing their traits and personalities in their children. It's amazing to me.
I was grateful that our friend Mackenzie was in the states long enough to come and hang on the beach with us for a few hours. She has quite literally been traveling the world for the past 3 years, and currently living and teaching in Turkey. Unbelievably exciting!
I loved staying up late, eating cookie dough and talking endless girl talk. I loved sharing what God is actively doing in our lives, and how we have grown. I loved how we still remember the catchy jingles of songs from children's choir. I love us.
9 years. We're adults...and we're nearing 30! We're more mature...ok, not really.
I treasure my friendships with these girls. I love how we can pick up right where we left off.
Yeah, we still got it goin on.
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