Friday, April 15, 2011

learning to oh my!

The time has come. I am learning to coupon.

I had NO CLUE how much goes into couponing. It's like an art.

This week, I started watching "Extreme Couponing" on TLC. These chicks are crazy!

I mean, I get the concept...but I can't see how buying 56 things of mustard...and literally clearing the entire shelf is a good deal? Or stacking toilet paper as high as the celiling is savings?

None the less...I'm gonna give it a shot. It makes me crazy to make 2 trips to Publix in a week, and spend $30-$40 bucks each checkout, on top of my Saturday trips. No more!
My bestie, Tana, is teaching me the "how to's" of couponing...and there's alot that goes into planning a shopping trip. I mean you have to strategize, get your list, pair your coupons with what's on sale, buy multiple papers, clip, organize by date, shop multiple stores, do multiple transactions to maximize your savings...ect.

My head is spinning.

So, this Sunday begins my couponing journey. I'll keep ya posted.

Happy Friday


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