Thursday, August 18, 2011

ignorance is bliss?

I have a little routine in the morning.
I developed this a while back, and rather like it. My routine is...

* Get up...reluctantly
* Shuffle to the kitchen to start my tea pot. French press = happiness
* Whisper "Goodmorning, Jesus"
* Let Cowboy outside
* Water my herbs on the patio
* Pour coffee, become human
* Eat something healthy for breakfast
* Turn on CMT (for those of you yet to know this sweet nugget of joy, CMT = country music television)
* Sing/dance while I get ready for another day

Then Nick came home from D.C. after being gone for 4 months. Love this very much!!
His routine is different.

Nick likes to watch the news in the morning...probably like the rest of America.

I don't. I kinda hate it. Actually, I really hate it.

So, this morning the news came on. And here were the headlines.

* New Tampa teen charged in plot to blow up Freedom High School.
* Groom killed by shark on honeymoon, while bride looks on helplessly.
* CA teen remembers slain officers final act of kindness.

Exactly why I choose to not watch the news. Ever. Talk about depressing.

I know I should. I know it's the responsible "adult" thing to do. I should be aware if the stock market crashes, or if a savage criminal escaped from prison last night. I get it, but I think I'll stick to sipping my coffee, singing Jake Owen's "Barefoot Blue Jean Night" and thanking the Lord for another day of life.

Is ignorance really bliss?

So if there is a world catastrophe, would one of you "newsies" give me a heads up?


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