My "sweet" husband...bless him, scared the crap out of me this morning.
I was in the bathroom getting ready for work. Putting my contacts in to be exact, and it's a miracle that I still have an eye ball right now.
So, there I am, half perched on the bathroom counter, right up in the mirror trying to get my contacts in my sleepy eyes, and Nick sneaks up and yells..
Do you think I laughed?
Instead, I burst into tears.
I hate being scared...especially on purpose. Needless to say, the husband felt pretty bad. As he should :)
So this brought be to today's post. What makes you scared?
Are they silly little things, like someone yelling "BOO"? Clearly like me? Or are they a deeper fear?
My list:
* Roach's. HATE, HATE, HATE, LOATHE them!
* Horror movies. This is a love/hate thing. I like the "idea" of them, but when I watch one, heck even the preview...I won't sleep for weeks.
*Coming home late to an empty house. If Nick's traveling, I don't stay out past dark, unless the house is lit up like a christmas tree :) Call me an old lady.
*Following another car too closely. Blame it on the fact that my beloved Altima was totaled 4 years ago, b\c a Sheriff Deputy wasn't paying attention. Keep a safe distance, people.
*Door to Door Solicitors. Unless your a adorable 3 foot tall girl scout selling my favorite tagalong cookies, don't bother coming to our door.
*Roller Coaster's. I went on my first roller coaster in 7th grade. It still amazes me that I was even tall enough? My friend talked me into going, and I went. She warned me to keep my head back, b\c after the ride starts, your going too fast to lift your head up. Well, my head flew forward, and I stared at the ground the ENTIRE time, screaming to the top of my lungs. Never again!
*Needles. I never realized this fear until I began donating blood. I have 0+, the good stuff, so there's always a need. You dear phlebotomist will have to find another vein donor, b\c this chic passes out everytime :(
Well there ya go. My scardy list.
What's yours?
Lot of love,
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