In a few short months, Nick and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary.
I feel like that's a lot...seriously...but in the grand scheme of's not a super long time. That being said, this by no means makes me an expert on marriage, but I do feel like I have grown a great deal from the ups and downs of these past 7 er ish years, and am still learning. Is that weird?
I'm learning that you can be married, with the preacher, and pretty shiny rings, and even have the most ideal honeymoon imaginable...but still fail to be "one flesh." So important. Such a process. Your dead in the water without it.
Nick likes soda for breakfast, and no amount of nagging or lecturing will change that. So, here's to lattes and icy cold coke's. You win some, you loose some. Meh!
Love takes sacrifice. Get married and realize in a hot second how selfish you actually are.
I'm learning that God designed marriage to make us more holy than happy. The longer I'm married...the more this simple truth makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying marriage doesn't make you happy. Quite the opposite! But it's a constant reminder of the refining process of holiness. Thank you, Jesus.
Be a team. Think like a team, and don't leave your team.
I'm learning that you must trust each other with everything. Always.
Talk. Communicate, but know when to table a convo that just won't end. Revisit it later.
I'll never understand "Gold Rush" or why Nick likes it, but I do know that he loves having couch company.
Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.
Make dinner. Yes...cook, and while your at it, bake a little something sweet too! You can do it!
I'm learning that there's power in all words. They build up, and tear down in seconds. In my quiet time yesterday I read in Proverbs 12:18 "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." How many times have I been that reckless fool?
I'm learning that even though I moved the laundry hamper a whole 4 more steps from the bathroom to the closet...the clothes still. just. won't. actually. make. it. inside...ever.
My spouse is NOT my enemy. We make sure to remind each other of this mid-argument, and it always puts things back into perspective.
I'm learning that little "happy's" make any day a whole lot brighter. The other night Nick came home with something behind his back, and with a sweet smile he pulled out a pack of mini colored sharpie's, and sour patch kids. I love that he knows and loves the little things about this girl.
That's what I'm still learning, peeps. What is/has marriage taught y'all?
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