Wednesday, July 11, 2012

public restroom disgrace

Warning: Today's post may/may not contain TMI. Just sayin'.

Yesterday I went to Target on my lunch break.

I do this often, but I don't always buy stuff. Just sometimes. I do heart clearance.

Most day's I just need to stretch my legs, and get a little change of scenery before I head back to work.

I walk into Target, and make a bee line for the ladies room. I've been on this smoothie kick, so I now frequent the porcelain express.

I really hate public restrooms! Truly! They are usually disgusting, smelly, and it's just an all together unpleasent experience that I try to avoid.

But when you drink a lot of's pretty unavoidable.

Inside the restroom there were 5 people in line. Really? It's 1PM on a Tuesday. What's happening? After the 5 people in line each proceed to tell me, "Oh, I'm not in line..." I gratefully slip into the next available stall.

Not relief.

There's no purse/coat hook on the door!

Nothing!! Nowhere to place my purse when I tinkle!

I tried to smoosh it ontop of the toilet paper container, but since I carry everything a girl could possibly want/need in this purse...umbrella, vitamins, make-up, body spray's, hairbrush, sunglasses, contact solution, nutrition bars, etc...that wasn't happening.

Floor? Out of the question!

So, I clutch my suitcase purse in my hands, as I hover over the potty all the while thinking to myself how awkward, and super uncomfortable this situation is. If only there was a blessed hook on the flippin door!

Word to the wise, ladies. Consider this next time you tinkle.

Your welcome.


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