Thursday, March 31, 2011

thursday night in

It's a very rainy day, rather it's been a very rainy week. Actually, there was a tornado warning in our neck of the woods today. It's been one nasty day. I don't know about you, but when it's dark, wet, and raining like crazy, I crave some good ol' comfort food! There is nothing like making something wonderful in the kitchen, and curling up on the couch with the person you love and enjoying a nice night in. Tonight, I'm thinking pancakes.

Sweats, hot pancakes with maple syrup and fresh strawberries, a big mug of coffee, clean linen scented candle burning, and Grey's Anatomy (Callie & Arizona's car accident cliffhanger from last wk) w/Cowboy...he's my snuggle buddy when Nick is out of town.

Sounds like a delicious and wonderful night in.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

trader joe's

To all you poor Floridians who have never been introduced to Trader Joe's...

Allow me to introduce you to the most amazing, organic, and FUN grocery store ever!

 Meet Trader Joe's!

 This place is wondeful! I volunteer to get the groceries when I am home visiting my parents. Seriously, just going inside puts a smile on your face :) The food is incredible, healthy, and very reasonably priced. I get Trader Joe's care packages every few months from Mom & Dad (They have 2 stores, I know, it's true) and there are always
 * pad thai noodles
 * blueberry preserves
 * honey sesame sticks
 * tea tree face wipes
 *long grain brown rice

 Happiness. Now, for the bed news. There are currently no locations in FL. This has to change! So, I sent an e-mail this morning requesting a store be built in good ol' Brooksville. Thinking positive thoughts here. Check em out

 Have a beautiful Wednesday

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

runnin' on empty

Hi friends, Well remember my car delima on Friday?

 I was out of gas.


 In my defense, I did need my fuel lines flushed, and a new fuel technically my gas needle was reading more than I had.

 FYI: E means empty, not enough. Even if gas does cost you your first born child these days, fill your tanks, promise? Thanks.


Friday, March 25, 2011

car problems suck

Car problems suck...seriously suck! My little 2003 Ford Taurus has had it's fair share of issues since joining the family 3 1/2 years ago. Granted, I know maintenance is key, but this kid has given me a run for my money. I had to put a new transmission in less than a year after I purchased it, and the list continues on. She clunked out on my lunch break today...on my way to get gas...on the side of the road. Of coarse Hubby thinks it's because I ran out of gas. I am hoping not...but could be a possibility (my gas light was on...shhhhh)

Let's just pray this won't wipe me out financially.

Happy Weekend :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

a home

What makes a home? Does it matter where it is?

Does it matter how big it is? Or how small?

Does it matter what you have in it?

I can honestly say, I love my home. It's not fancy, and it's not huge. It's not on a secluded beach, and it's not on a quiet cul de sac. It definitely does not have expensive things, but it's us.

The glass stove top is slightly stained from the many nights of homemade meals being prepared. The master bedroom door creaks slightly from the times I have slammed it out of anger (It's a terrible childlike habit, I know). You can tell the things I have hung on the walls because they are slightly off center, or have numerous nail holes. I refuse to measure. The garage is always cluttered with "junk" (or rather the things my husband refuses to throw away b\c they can be used again.) No matter how many times I clean the slider door to the patio, it's spotted with tiny nose prints from Blue Kitty and Cowboy.

Our fridge is always full of healthy foods, and fresh iced tea or crystal light. You can also typically find at least 3 different flavors of coffee creamer. There is a large ceramic dish on the counter that always has banana's, avacado's, tomato's and a head of garlic. The DVR is usually out of recording space due to my obsession with: Keeping up with the Kardashians, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Tyler's Ultimate, and Army Wives. The laundry basket is normally half full, no matter what. My flip flops, and Nick's camouflage crocs are usually by the back door. There are pictures everywhere of our families and friends.

I love my home. I enjoy my home, and it's uniquely ours.

Happy Thursday


Monday, March 21, 2011

happy weekend

This weekend was just marvelous. Fun. Productive.

Friday evening was Carrabba's takeout and a trip to Lowe's to buy beadboard for our dining room (almost finished!)

Saturday morning came way too early :( After a caffeine boost, we headed to the nursery to pick out plants/flowers for the front beds Nick has been working on. We spent 5 hrs getting everything arranged, rearranged, and planted. Amazing! Got showered, and headed into Tampa for an evening with my sweet friend Noemi, 50,000 crazy fans, and Kenny Chesney. Oh and I got a call that my little brother, Austin Williamson, got accepted into Longwood Unviversity! Word!

Sunday, a day of rest, and bought a little water-proof video camera for our cruise next month! Embarking for Mexico in 24 days!

Hope your weekend was wonderful, love y'all!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

it's been a good week

This week has really been wonderful. I'll share :)

Monday: My hubby drove me to work. I had a not so fun date with a rather large parking curb on Saturday morning. Poor little Taurus was parked for the weekend. We picked up Starbucks on the way in :)

Tuesday: We had dinner with some new friends, Toby & Lydia, and their two precious kids Timothy and Sophia. Had some amazing coconut shrimp :)

Wednesday: I had a math test...and I think I passed. I think...

Thursday: I forgot to pack my lunch today, and it really annoy's me to have to spend money on a healthy lunch. So? I remembered I had my Subway points card, and by gosh, sister had enough points to cover my lunch. Score! Also, I picked out my Birthday cake from Wrights Gourmet. So what if I'm 3 weeks early? I'm thinking the Hawaiian Princess cake this year for the big 27. Thoughts?

Tomorrow is Friday. Enough said.

How has your week been?



Monday, March 14, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a season of sacrifice

We are entering a time of sacrifice in the Dittman home. We are observing Lent for the first time together as a couple, and I am really looking forward to it!

"Therefore prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not confirm to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all that you do, for it is written: "Be holy because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:13-16

To be totally honest, this is a rather new concept for me. I have been raised a Believer, and have known what Lent is, but it has taken on such a different meaning for me personally. The mercy and grace God has shown me this past year has been unbelieveable. My heart is so full of gratitude, that I feel like it's just going to burst wide open!

For the next 40 days, I am sacrificing red wine.

People, this is a true sacrifice. I love my little glass of wine at dinner. Now, don't flip a lid...I'm no lush, but I really like my vino. Really.

I am so looking forward to retreating into the wilderness with Jesus over the next 40 days. Good things are in store!


Monday, March 7, 2011

friends forever part 2

Here we are. Fresh out of high school and ready to take on the world as we knew it at 18 years old. Our last summer together before we had to "grow up."

My how things can change...

9 years ago we cared about tan lines, our weight, and the huge, unknown future...

This time, we still care about tan lines, but are more wise about using sunscreen. We actually wear it. We are white. Pasty white, and we embrace it. No one cares about being a size 2, or 4, or whatever anymore. We want to be healthy, and as long as our husbands still whistle when we walk into the room, than we're happy. We talk grocery bills, and coupons (note to self: start couponing) They talk about their children, and I love to hear their crazy stories of motherhood, breast feeding, sleeping through the night, and just enjoying a peaceful adult conversation without interruption...a luxury.

My personal favorite: We all got together for dinner the night before the beach, husbands, kids, and all. Calleigh (Allison's daughter) said, "Mommy, that orange boy keeps taking my toy." That "orange boy" being Liz's son Ethan, who was wearing a orange shirt. I love their kids! I love seeing their traits and personalities in their children. It's amazing to me.
I was grateful that our friend Mackenzie was in the states long enough to come and hang on the beach with us for a few hours. She has quite literally been traveling the world for the past 3 years, and currently living and teaching in Turkey. Unbelievably exciting!
I loved staying up late, eating cookie dough and talking endless girl talk. I loved sharing what God is actively doing in our lives, and how we have grown. I loved how we still remember the catchy jingles of songs from children's choir. I love us.

9 years. We're adults...and we're nearing 30! We're more mature...ok, not really.

I treasure my friendships with these girls. I love how we can pick up right where we left off.

Yeah, we still got it goin on.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

acceptance letters

Austin Taylor Willismson got accepted to Radford University today! I am so very proud!

Love you little brother

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

friends forever

I am so flippin excited for this weekend! Me and my precious childhood girlfriends are planning a weekend (husband & children FREE) at the beach!

These girls have been apart of my life since I was in children's choir. We have A LOT of history together and have experienced A LOT of life together. This pic was taken from our high school missions trip to Jamaica...summer of 1999. One of our many ventures together!

Our last "hoo-rah" (aside from weddings and baby showers) was the summer of 2002, we had just graduated high school, and had rented a hot pink beach house right on Indian Rocks Beach. We spent a fabulous last week together before we all went our separate ways to college. We laughed, cried, shot fireworks on the beach, had make-out sessions with boys, fought, cooked, got terribly sun burned, and made memories I will never forget.

This time it's's been 9 years since our summer at the beach.
Now, some of us are wives, and some of us are mothers. Some of us have demanding careers, and some of us are world travelers. Life has a different meaning now. We are so different, yet still the same. We share a unity in Christ that bonds us together forever.
Let the good times roll...