Tuesday, December 4, 2012

the newest addition to ttpd!

Yesterday was an awesome milestone for our family.

Nick was sworn into Temple Terrace Police Department! YAYYYYY!!!!

Ever since he was a little boy...Nick has wanted to be a police officer. His mom has shown me countless pictures of a little 4 year old with plastic handcuffs clipped into his belt loop, and a plastic gun stuck in his pocket.

This has been his childhood dream that has now become our ever present reality.

Most of you know that Nick has served as a Reserve 2 Sergeant for Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office for 4 years. And now, the next page in our future book is turned.

The Chief of Police spoke to Nick and I directly, and thanked me for giving my husband over to this agency. This now meant that Nick wouldn't always be home for every holiday, family gathering, or special occasion. His main priority will always be family, but when duty calls...you go. That's why this is not a career...it's a calling. He reminded Nick that along with his integrity, he must never bring disgrace to his uniform, and always bring pride to the badge that he wears. There is something so amazing about the unity and brotherhood that bonds law enforcement and fire fighters. It gives me chills to know, and experience that kind of self sacrifice. I have never been more honored, proud, or felt such love and respect for my husband than in that moment. This is me getting all mushy.

Then I got to pretend to pin on Nick's badge...and then proceeded to go back to my seat with it. Leave it to me to start a chuckle, and mess up a moment. Oops!

Before closing, the Chief offered family and friends to come and pray protection, and prosperity over the two new officers. LOVED this!

Thanks to the amazing multitude of friends, family, and our extended family from HCSO in supporting us in this new and exciting change in our life.

Blessed. So blessed.

Let's do this!

Much love,

Monday, November 12, 2012

marriage: what i'm still learning...

In a few short months, Nick and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary.

I feel like that's a lot...seriously...but in the grand scheme of things...it's not a super long time. That being said, this by no means makes me an expert on marriage, but I do feel like I have grown a great deal from the ups and downs of these past 7 er ish years, and am still learning. Is that weird?

I'm learning that you can be married, with the preacher, and pretty shiny rings, and even have the most ideal honeymoon imaginable...but still fail to be "one flesh." So important. Such a process. Your dead in the water without it.

Nick likes soda for breakfast, and no amount of nagging or lecturing will change that. So, here's to lattes and icy cold coke's. You win some, you loose some. Meh!

Love takes sacrifice. Get married and realize in a hot second how selfish you actually are.

I'm learning that God designed marriage to make us more holy than happy. The longer I'm married...the more this simple truth makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying marriage doesn't make you happy. Quite the opposite! But it's a constant reminder of the refining process of holiness. Thank you, Jesus.

Be a team. Think like a team, and don't leave your team.

I'm learning that you must trust each other with everything. Always.

Talk. Communicate, but know when to table a convo that just won't end. Revisit it later.

I'll never understand "Gold Rush" or why Nick likes it, but I do know that he loves having couch company.

Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.

Make dinner. Yes...cook, and while your at it, bake a little something sweet too! You can do it!

I'm learning that there's power in all words. They build up, and tear down in seconds. In my quiet time yesterday I read in Proverbs 12:18 "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." How many times have I been that reckless fool?

I'm learning that even though I moved the laundry hamper a whole 4 more steps from the bathroom to the closet...the clothes still. just. won't. actually. make. it. inside...ever.

My spouse is NOT my enemy. We make sure to remind each other of this mid-argument, and it always puts things back into perspective.

I'm learning that little "happy's" make any day a whole lot brighter. The other night Nick came home with something behind his back, and with a sweet smile he pulled out a pack of mini colored sharpie's, and sour patch kids. I love that he knows and loves the little things about this girl.

That's what I'm still learning, peeps. What is/has marriage taught y'all?


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

grandma stanley

Sweet readers...

The other night I was needing to vacate from life for a smidgen. I was emotional, and possibly even a little lot moody. Why I totally support a healthy glass of vino in times like this...I was needing something else. Something familiar.

I soon found myself in the guest bedroom, starring up at a pink box on the top shelf of the closet. My memory box. Now while I'm not a big "let me keep every little card/trinket/whatever I've ever been given in my lifetime" kind of person...there are a few things that hold extreme value to me, and go into that very box. This was exactly what I needed.

I curled up on my bed with my dog, and lifted the lid...I was immediately overcome with emotion. You see, most of the items in my box are reminders of my Grandma Stanley. She passed away at 62 right after I graduated from high school. She and I had a special and very unique relationship that I will always treasure.

This is my Grandma Stanley.

Isn't she stunning? This was her high school graduation. She use to be a school bus driver, but soon quit to help my Papa manage his painting company. My Papa was illiterate, so my Grandma kept up the books for him.
I was her very first grandchild, and from the day my Mom found out she was pregnant, she began to journal letters to me. She always said she would love me regardless if I was a boy or a girl, but was secretly over the moon when she heard I was a girl!

She was an amazing story teller...voice inflections and all! Some of my sweetest memories of her is when she would read my two favorite books for the millionth time "Babar's Travels" and "Are You My Mother" which she use to say I memorized, because I "read" right along with her, and always knew when she skipped a page. Chance and I use to snuggle up with her on the couch as she gently swept the hair off our foreheads, and would take us on exciting and thrilling adventure's with her incredible story telling mind...but always made sure it ended with "happily ever after." Mom's bedtime stories just never could compare...sorry, Mama.

I thought Grandma Stanley was magical because she somehow made a red stop light turn green after saying, "Ab bra Ca dabra 1, 2, 3...change!" and it did. Every dang time.

One day she took me to buy a doll, and out of all the amazing and pretty dolls available...I picked Maggie.

Trust me...she use to be a lot cuter...and not so children of the corn looking.
Maggie was simple and obviously handmade, but I was instantly connected to her. After years of love, and suffocation, Maggie was sent to Grandma Stanley's for a full body makeover. She would re-sow her fingers, toes, head, and butt back on, and send her back in a box to FL with a prescription bottle filled with Hershey kisses, and smelling like Bounce dryer sheets.

I use to go pick tomato's, cucumber's, and onion's out of her garden, and she would make tomato salad with salt, pepper, and Italian dressing.

This is the last picture I have of her.

 She fought hard...but wasn't at all afraid of death. I've never seen her look more peaceful. She knew. She was welcomed into eternity.

As I went through the box piece by piece I felt the hot tears stream down my cheeks. How much I missed her. I don't typically dwell on the fact that she's no longer here, because I know she's dancing barefoot on streets of gold, and pain free in her new perfect body with the King of Kings. I picked up her bottle of old perfume, closed my eyes, and breathed in her. Y'all, I sware it felt like she was right there. She always wore Boucheron. That was one of the things I asked my Papa if I could have when she passed away. Isn't it amazing how you can remember someone so clearly by their scent?

I allowed myself to be sad for a bit longer, wiped my mascarra stained cheeks, and quietly thanked my faithful God for giving me such a priceless gift. Because of Grandma, I have my beautiful Mom, and because of my Mom, I am fortunate to have the amazing family that I have.

My cup runneth over. Truly.

I love you, Grandma, and can't wait for the day that I will see you again!

All my love,
Kristin Renee'

Monday, October 29, 2012

moody monday

Not gonna lie y'all...I'm in one sour mood today, and honestly it's just a bunch of life.

1.) I woke up to a mouthful of painful blisters things this morning...thanks to an extra whitening mouth wash that's from satan himself. These are terrible! All inside my bottom lip, and under my tongue...what? It's enough to make you want to cry because they hurt so b a d l yyyyyy. Skip the mouth wash peeps, cause this is crap!

2.) The big truck started acting up, so I had to drive it into work this morning...which makes total sense because, hello?...I work at a car dealership. But I was running late because I was messing with my new bangs (annoyance #3) and lost track of time. So I threw it into high gear, jumped in the beast truck to be greeted by the dinging diesel light, mumble a lot of useless mumbo gumbo, drive to the gas station, put just enough in to turn the light off, mumble more because I forgot my jacket and I'm shivering...it's a a chilly 54 degrees, and finally make my way into work...with mud on my black pants from the dirty truuuuuuuck!

3.) The bangs. Do we like them? Do we hate them? It just depends on the day...meh!
4.) Today is GORGEOUS!!!! I just want to be home, open all the window's, light my pumpkin spice candles and clean! Fabulous fall weather like this energizes me to clean, clean, clean! But instead, I'm at work, work, work.

5.) Some relationships in my life have taken a hard hit as of late, and today was no exception. What is going on? I know I just gotta keep things in perspective, and truly believe that no matter what, God has it under control, and under His feet, but y'all...this sucks. I'm just feeling defeated and frustrated.

So enough with my insignificant complaining, I think I just needed to vent a smidge.

Thanks for listening, or laughing, or whatever. I pray the rest of your Monday is delightful, blogsters!


Monday, October 22, 2012

mean girls

Girls are mean. Seriously.

Not to say that boy's aren't, but girls are just down right hateful sometimes...you know? I found this totally fitting for today's post. "The Plastics" make me laugh! Sidenote: so hard to pick just one clip!!


Maybe it's because we're female...so we have PMS, and cray cray hormone levels, and attitudes. We can be overly critical of another woman from her weight, to her social/financial status to how she raises her children, or treats her husband. We can struggle with jealousy, and discontentment.

But who really know. Girls are just mean.

I had my mean girl encounter yesterday. Without getting gossipy or detailed (because y'all know chicks LOOOOVE a juicy gossip session) this was completely unexpected, and totally 100% unjustified. But I let her have her moment, and say whatever nonsense she needed to say, and just had to let it go.


Not to say I wasn't totally seething in anger..."Wait...what? Did she seriously just say that?? No!!! I will......"

We're human. We can get a little pissy sometimes, and might blow a gasket or two...three, or four...but we gotta let it go. Learn from it. Change it. And move on.

Do you know a mean girl?

No. Don't tell me about her. Pray for her. Love her, and for the love, please refrain from slapping her, ok? Even if she might need it :) Behind every mean girl is a scared, lonely, and super insecure child who might just need a little grace.

Here's to all the Karen's, Regina's, and Gretchen's of the world!
Happy Monday, good girls.


Friday, October 19, 2012

tall one turns 20

This is my Austin.
Today he turns 20.

Gosh, he's cute.

Austin Taylor Williamson came into our family on October 19, 1992. He was sibling number 4. He had jet black hair, the sweetest smile ever created, and a fiery temper like the devil. My Mom use to cry when she tucked him into bed at night because she had spent the past 12 hours disciplining him/time-outing him/yelling/parenting times a thousand him. And the next morning it would start all over again. Austin never cried. I use to think he was half human, and half steel because he was so strong willed.

As he grew, God mellowed him out...and we are thankful :)

He is gentle, soft spoken, and has a heart of gold. When he's home from college for the weekend, he and Trent are typically attached at the hip. I love that about our family. We genuinely like each other.

He's also tall. Really tall. I only come up to his arm pit...which makes me think I got the shaft in the height department. We call him "Biggin' and Tall One."

And he's funny as crap.

I love and truly admire who you are, T. You have grown into such an amazing man of character, and just make me really proud to be your sister. I hope you feel loved, and treasured today. You greatly bless my life, and I'm just thankful to call you my family.

Happy 20th, tall one!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I recieved a sweet compliment from a precious lady at work yesterday. Her name is Mrs. Nancy.

She has worked for many years as the office manager here, and she's a trip! It's always fun to see her, and her husband Bill drop in every 3,000 miles, or so for an oil change, and give her round of hugs.

She came over to my desk, reached over and squeezed my hand, and gave me a warm smile, "Krissy, I just wanted to tell you that your by far the best receptionist this dealership has ever had. You have the kindest voice, and I just really wanted to tell you that, dear."

Mrs. Nancy, you are cute!

I'm choosing to share this with y'all for a few reason:

1.) It just made me smile. Compliments tend to do that to people, and we should give them more often.
2.) I was a little convicted.
3.) Well...I just wanted to share :)

As most of you know, I've been working as the front desk receptionist at my local Ford dealership for 3 years now. My Ford family has been loving, and gracious to me, and I'm so very thankful for them, but I've been struggling with my job for a while now. While I truly like my bosses, and co-workers, I can't help but think that I need a change. I need a challenge. I need more...

Have you ever felt like that?

It's easy to get hung up on the down sides of what you do, or maybe even loose your focus, and drive. Maybe your a stay at home Mom that just gets really tired of being poured out all day long for your little people. Maybe your a 40 hour a weeker that really needs better pay, or a vacation. Are you a student that just feels overwhelmed with classes, and deadlines?

People, I feel ya!

Philippians 2:14-16 (NIV)
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the Word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.

Ain't that just like God to bring you back to reality, and give you a big ol dose of "get over it"?!

So, will y'all join with me today in learning to be grateful for whatever place God has you?

Cool! Happy Thursday, friends!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Oh my...I am dying!!! I stumbled across these lil yummer's posted by another fellow blogger, and thought these were too fabulous not to share :)

Eat up buttercup.

Oh, I will most likely sub grouper, or tilapia for the salmon. I don't dig the salmon. I think it smells/taste like cat food. Sorry salmon lovers...no offense.

By all means put whatever lil fishy's you want...I won't judge. I have a weakness for tacos.They're abundant, typically cheap, and vibrantly flavorful. When I cook at home, I strive for healthy dishes that are rich in both flavor and color—and these tacos win on all fronts. The spice rub is so simple and so versatile: you can use it with veggies, tofu, shrimp, fish or chicken.

Recipe: The Best Healthy Tacos

Serves 4

For the salsa:

*2 cups cherry tomatoes, quartered

*4 green onions, thinly sliced

*3 tbsp. fresh cilantro, chopped

*1/2 small jalapeño, finely diced

*Juice of 1 lime

*1/2 tsp. sea salt

For the salmon:

*1 tbsp. paprika

*1 tbsp. cumin

*1 tsp. chipotle chile powder

*1/2 tsp. sea salt

*12 oz. wild Alaskan salmon, in filets

*Corn tortillas for serving


*Feta cheese, crumbled

*Lime slices


What to do?

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

First, make the salsa. In a mixing bowl, combine the cherry tomatoes with the green onions, cilantro, jalapeño, lime juice and sea salt. Set aside until ready for use.

Next, combine the paprika, cumin, chipotle and sea salt to make the rub. Generously season the salmon with the rub. You may have a little left over—you can save it in a sealed glass jar in the pantry for future use.

Lightly grease a medium baking dish and place the salmon fillets inside, skin side down. Roast for about 12-15 minutes, until the salmon is cooked through but not dry. (Cooking times will vary depending on the thickness of your fillet—so be sure to check after about 10 minutes.) Remove salmon from heat and set aside to cool for a few minutes. Flake the salmon with a fork for serving.

Prepare the tacos on a single corn tortilla with the salmon first, followed by the salsa, feta cheese, and a cilantro/lime garnish if desired. Enjoy!

Thank you so much, Kimberley!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

shout out to mom's

Well hey there, friends! It's been a good bit since my last post, and I suppose I've been a little lost of inspiration. Sorry. But good news...

We're back in action!

I woke up really early this morning...2:34 a.m. to be exact. This rarely happens. I'm usually out like a light once my head hits the pillow. But for some reason Nick just couldn't sleep, and was wide flippin' awake at 2 a.m. His excuse: my snoring woke him up. I snore? No way...this can't be?!?!

Nick not sleeping rarely presents a problem, unless he's rediculously loud, and disruptive...which he totally was in the wee early hours of the morning. I'm a super light sleeper, so once I'm awake, it takes a while for me to go back to sleep because I hear everything. This morning I heard the toilet flush, light's flick on and off, the T.V. talking, the shower running...endless. He finally slipped back into bed just after 4 a.m...after he paid bills. Lordy.

This made me think of all my "Mom" friends, and really put things in perspective for me.

It's probably very typical for most of you to be awaken by a crying baby, a sick toddler, a scary dream, wet underpants, a monster in the closet, and the list goes on...

How do you do it, Mom's? Do you just run on adrenaline, and caffeine? It's only a little after noon, and I'm feeling the great effects of my very broken sleep last night.

I just wanted to take a moment, and say that I'm really amazed by all my fabulous, and awesome mom-friends that God's generously placed in my life! I LOVE living vicariously through you all, and being apart of your really long days...and nights :)

Calling my best friend, and hearing "KIKI" through the phone because the little girls know who's talking to Mommy.

Trying hard not to laugh when their getting scolded for talking back, or being sassy because I see "mini me's" of the personalities that I love so dearly.

Smiling when I hear the sweet baby sounds of the itty bitty's.

Cracking up when my girlfriend calls me to tell me that her daughter just dressed herself, and it involves a pink leotard, daisy dukes, a fedora and shoes on the wrong feet.

Mom's- I love y'all dearly, and have such a respect for what you do! Cheers!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

life's a changin'...

I've been thinking today about how much my life has changed since I've gotten married, and grown older. Things that I use to think were "so important" have long been tossed to the side as I embark on the newer, and ever changing seasons of my life these days...

I now:

*Attend home-owners meetings.
*Clip/organize coupons, and typically know what's on sale before hand.
*Plan week night dinners, and experiment with new/healthy recipe's.
*Exercise is no longer an option.
*Bed time is never later than 10PM on a week night, and weekend fun usually winds down by 11PM.
*Realize the importance of sunscreen, and cutting out processed foods.
*Lingering longer in the 'Lawn and Garden Center' at Home Depot.
*Applying anti-aging creams before age 30.
*Saturday afternoon's consist of friend's kid's birthday parties.
*Appreciate clothing styles that flatter my body type.
*Loving and needing the different types of people God randomly places in your life.

Yes, my life is very different now, but I have such an appreciation for this.

Embrace whatever, and wherever God has you right now, friends. It's good.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

death by body wash

I decided to half way clean the house last night at 7:45 PM. I'm not sure why I only decided to clean half. Maybe I was feeling lazy? Why not clean the whole thing, and be done? Nope, half way works. So, I opted for a bathroom quickie, rearranged some lamps, vacuumed the den, and mopped the floors without a mop. Not fun. My mop snapped in half 2 weeks ago, and I've put off buying a new one.

I hate mopping and dusting.

I glanced in the master shower. Not bad. So I gave it a few squirts of Clorox, and called it a day. Forget scrubbing tonight.

After this, I decided to take a shower, and snuggle in to watch "Keeping Up With The Kardashians."

Don't judge me.

So I quickly rinsed the shower, and jumped in.

I was on a 4 minute mission. In and out. Multi-task. I suds up my hair, and rinse while scrubbing my face. I squirt in some conditioner, get soap in my eye, flush out the eye-ball, while reaching for the shower brush to comb through the conditioner. I open my poor inflammed eye to see a flipping cockroach just chillin' in his little sauna on the ledge UNDERNEATH my shower brush.

I scream. Talk myself out of fainting. Scream again. Shallow breathing. It was bad.

I can kill just about anything except roaches. They make my cry. Literally.

I had to kill it. What if it was a flying one? Oh gosh, my heart would stop beating, and then who would call 911?? Nick was working till mid-night, and he'd come home to a dead wife in the shower with a flying cockroach in the bathroom. No! I had to find the courage to kill it. Had. To.

Very slowly I grab the huge bottle of Dove body wash (Sam's Club, baby) closed my eyes, and just started slamming the heck out of this roach, while screaming my head off. I'm surprised my neighbors didn't call the police upon thinking a serial killer had broken into my house and was trying to murder me.

4 seconds later the roach is dead, and is in a bunch of little pieces.

I collect myself, turn off the shower, shutter, and smile.

I will never, ever half way clean again. Like ever.

Happy hump day.


Monday, July 30, 2012

family matters

I am full of happiness, and fresh off a 3 day vay-cay from reality with some of the greatest people on this planet.

My fabulous, and crazy family...just missing brother Chance in Washington :(

Nothing fills my soul more than spending time with these sweet faces. We laugh till our stomach's hurt, and can talk about literally anything. It's good. It's fulfilling. It's like air to my lungs. I miss them...a lot.

My brothers...gosh their pretty. And humble. And funny. And tan. And muscles. And scared of anything that touch's their feet in the Gulf. Love them.

Mom and Dad...I mean could they get any cuter? Ok, maybe if you insert two little girls in pink tutu's?


My Dad, the most giving, Godly, goofy, and humble man I know. One of a kind. And my Mom. She's life, and love, and un-masked. She's funny, and strong, and I need her more than anything.

And my sister. I don't know if I could ever put into words what she means to me. She's my priceless treasure. I'm a better person because of Alexa Rae.

I love every moment I'm given with my family, but somehow it's just never enough time. I'm blessed, times 6 by their presence.

We celebrated 3 birthday's, drank too many strawberry daiquiri's, chased stingray's, and laughed about reading 50 Shades of Grey...in a row. Literally.

My heart is full. My body is less white, and my soul is simply blessed.

Don't miss these moments, friends. Enjoy the people you love most, because this is the good stuff.

Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

public restroom disgrace

Warning: Today's post may/may not contain TMI. Just sayin'.

Yesterday I went to Target on my lunch break.

I do this often, but I don't always buy stuff. Just sometimes. I do heart clearance.

Most day's I just need to stretch my legs, and get a little change of scenery before I head back to work.

I walk into Target, and make a bee line for the ladies room. I've been on this smoothie kick, so I now frequent the porcelain express.

I really hate public restrooms! Truly! They are usually disgusting, smelly, and it's just an all together unpleasent experience that I try to avoid.

But when you drink a lot of fluids...it's pretty unavoidable.

Inside the restroom there were 5 people in line. Really? It's 1PM on a Tuesday. What's happening? After the 5 people in line each proceed to tell me, "Oh, I'm not in line..." I gratefully slip into the next available stall.

Not relief.

There's no purse/coat hook on the door!

Nothing!! Nowhere to place my purse when I tinkle!

I tried to smoosh it ontop of the toilet paper container, but since I carry everything a girl could possibly want/need in this purse...umbrella, vitamins, make-up, body spray's, hairbrush, sunglasses, contact solution, nutrition bars, etc...that wasn't happening.

Floor? Out of the question!

So, I clutch my suitcase purse in my hands, as I hover over the potty all the while thinking to myself how awkward, and super uncomfortable this situation is. If only there was a blessed hook on the flippin door!

Word to the wise, ladies. Consider this next time you tinkle.

Your welcome.


Monday, July 2, 2012

pointed fingers

Y'all, I'm burdened, and struggling today.

Why do we judge? Why are we so quick to cast blame when our own lives are marred with sin? Why is it so easy to see other's fault's, but we are somehow blinded by our shiny plastic exterior? I posted Casting Crown's video this morning on my Facebook wall. Their lyrics are profound, and this song never ceases to bring conviction to my heart.

"Jesus, friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away; We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to swing; Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see; The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me; Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded; A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided;

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners; Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers; Let our hearts be led by mercy; Help us reach with open hearts and open doors; Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours."

When I was in high school, I was such a sad example of Jesus. I was the WWJD bracelett with the pointed finger. I acted holier-than-thou, and was so quick to stand in judgement of my classmates who chose to live life different from me. Gosh, it literally makes me sick. I was so immature, and severely hung up on legalism.

I think we could all use a heart check every now and then, bloggies. I want to be remembered as one that loved, because He first loved me. I want to forgive, because I am a cleansed product of Grace. I want to accept, because I am welcomed with unconditional acceptance.

Romans 2:1 (NIV)
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Choose THIS day to be authentic in your love for people, sweet friends!


Thursday, June 7, 2012


It's been raining all week.

This is a good thing. I love to see how green, and vibrant the earth looks after a good rain.

But, I'm a Florida girl at heart, and after days of gloomy skies...I need to see, and feel the sun, because I tend to feel a little mellow...sad.

Today the gloom won me over. So, I decided to immerse myself in one of my fav's...Beth Moore. I was needing a little "pick me up" for my soul, and the weather just wasn't allowing a triple venti Caramel Macchiato today.

“God surpasses our dreams when we reach past our personal plans and agenda to grab the hand of Christ and walk the path He chose for us. He is obligated to keep us dissatisfied until we come to Him, and His plan for complete satisfaction.”  ― Beth Moore, Breaking Free
Love her!
This really got me thinking...My Jesus knows my heart, my dreams, and my desires. He promises us that in His Word (Jeremiah 29:11) Now, that also means that my dreams don't always line up with His, and that's ok.
No really it is.
It's OK!
I keep telling myself this because I'm wrestling with God right now. I want my way. I have dreams that I want Him to meet, and like a child, I kick and scream when He chooses to stay quiet. Which He is right now.
“If Jesus gives us a task ,or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion if only we'll let Him finish the work. I fear, however, that we are so attention-deficit that we settle for bearable when beauty is just around the corner.” 
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV)
7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. 8 They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Friends, I'm pondering this truth today. My prayer is that this rain today, and tomorrow, and Saturday (gah...) will truly wash, and purify my soul, and that I will feel a renewed spirit when the sun begins to shine.

Beauty is just around the corner...


Monday, May 21, 2012

five guys, filet mignon, and frustration

This weekend was just superb...really...well, almost all of it...

Beautiful day Saturday, and finished it off by taking our sweet adopted family of blondes to tour the Aviation Hangar at the Sheriff's Office. The little girls are always curious to see where Nick spends some of his time :) Pilot Kevin looked just like Maverick on Top Gun (minus the aviators). When I told him this, he blushed. Precious!

I know what your thinking. Why are we so cute?

Sunday, while I was grocery shopping at Publix, I stumbled upon two gorgeous filets that were just screaming my name. We never buy filets. Ever. That kind of moo-la just isn't in the Dittman grocery fund, but tonight was special, and I thought Nick deserved a super delish dinner since he's been working like a crazy man. So, in the cart they went, and I said to myself. "Serious wife points are in my future."

Later that evening, I was in my element, friends. My kitchen makes me happy, and I feel most alive when I'm sauteing, sipping on a glass of red, and smooth jazz is playing in the back ground. I was super psyched to welcome my man home to a beautiful dinner made with major TLC. On the menu: filet of beef with a butter/garlic reduction, roasted red potato's, fresh broccoli, and bread, with strawbery shortcake for dessert :) I know, I'm kinda fabulous.

Since he had worked hard all day, and didn't stop for breakfast, or lunch, he and the boys picked up Five Guys on the way home.

Five Guys!

He had a burger (and a good one I might add) but really?? Five Guys! When I had prepared a beautiful, and perfect dinner??

He sat with me while I ate, feeling badly of coarse, but my appetite had vanished. What girl wants to eat a fabulous dinner alone? He did slice off a tiny piece of steak, and eat a few potato's, but truly just wasn't hungry.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

So, hurt, and annoyed I retreated to our bedroom to sulk. After all, I had the right to be.

It was about this time that I felt the Lord tug on my heart. I pushed Him away. "Not now, God. I kinda just want to be pissed. Later?" I felt Him again. This time I decided to be quiet, and still. In that moment, I was gently reminded of my own human nature. Yeah, I had a right to be annoyed, but I had to let it go. If this had happened 5 years earlier, you would have heard a very different story from this girl. I would have went off on Nick Dittman, and end up falling asleep angry.

Over time, and through the many high's and low's of life that we've experienced together, we have grown, and matured a lot. Hallelu! Life is too short to fight the little things. In the end, I know his heart, and he knows mine. So yes, have your moment, throw a fit, and get it out of your system, but in the end...kiss and make up because it's really not that big of a dealio. So, instead of going to bed mad, I silently thanked my God for a husband that works hard to provide for our family, no matter what.

And made sure to remind him that he had "the best leftovers of all time" in the fridge...wink wink :)

Happy Monday, friends!
Love to you,

Monday, May 14, 2012

monday blue's

Today is Monday.

Ew. I don't even like the word.

So like most working 9-5 people...I'm just not feeling it...plus, I have a 3 hour math class right after work on Monday and Wednesday. Catch my drift?

So, to add fuel to my already moody Monday self...one of my MALE coworkers decided to tell me that my super cute outfit (emphasis mine) reminded him of something. In my head, I'm thinking, "What could it be?" I mean I know I'm lookin' summer fresh sporting my dark denim wash skirt, lime stripes and coral polish. After a few minutes, my smile quickly faded when he proceded to show me the image on his phone.

In other words...I look like a can of Barbasol.

And with that, I say peace OUT to this day!

Mad love,
The Barb Babe

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

happy birthday, lex

Alexa Rae came into the world on May, 2, 1990. From the moment she was born, she was a character.

She had a pink spot on her forehead that turned fluorescent when she cried, or got really mad. This made me laugh, which made her even more mad.

She loved to tell stories with such enthusiasm...even when she was just learning to talk. My favorite home video is after one of her first trips to the beach. She was running in circles with her crazy blonde hair plastered to her sweaty pink forehead wearing her lavender carebear night gown, and trying her best to tell us all about the sand, and the waves, and how the salt water burned her eyes. You can't understand a word she's saying, and you hear my Dad in the back ground saying, "Tell me all about it A-Rae."

My Mom use to worry that she would have hideous hair when she was older because she could never seem to fix it right. She called it Barbie hair.

She believed anything I told her.

Once, I had a bad dream, and told her that a monster was hiding under our bunk bed, and he would eat her if she didn't climb up to the top bunk, and sleep with me. She did.

Alexa see's good in everyone. No matter who, she will find a good quality...even if it's hidden.

She has the unique ability to read people. This still amazes me, and humbles me.

She taught me how to tie a scarf, and when I need more eye make-up, or better accessories to really make a statement with an outfit.

She is giving.

She can't cook to save her life, and set off her smoke alarm the first week in her new apartment making fish sticks. Love her.

She is cultured.

She is gracious, kind, and exemplifies compassion, and mercy.

Today she turns 22.

I love you dearly, Alexa Rae. Thank you for being you, and being my friend, and being born, and being lovely, and just having really pretty hair. I hope your day is filled with all things beautiful.

Your Sista

Saturday, April 28, 2012

6 years

6 years ago, on April 29, 2006 I was smooshed in the tiny bridal room at University Church of God in Tampa, FL with photographers, my sweet bridesmaids, my Mama, and a cloud of hairspray, and perfume. I was literally sweating off all my pretty makeup because I was so stinkin' nervous, and trying to quickly swig down a can of Sprite since I couldn't bring myself to eat anything...
Then the wedding coordinator told me... "It's time."

I quietly slipped out of the room trying hard not to step on my huge white cinderella gown...what was I thinking??? My eyes met my Dad's, and I choked back tears.
I heard Canon in D begin to play, looped my arm through my Dad's, and took a deep breath as I began the walk toward my very present future.

Dear Nick,

Six years ago, we anxiously stood in front of our friends and family, and pledged our lives to one another.

"For better or worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness, and in health. In good times, and in bad. Forever."

Little did we know that those were not just pretty little words to be said. They are a promise. A vow. A covenant. I think we have truly lived out every one of those words since that beautiful day, and look at how far we have come! Who would have thought that the boy I met in highschool at 15 years old, who called me "Kiddo" annoyed the mess out of me, and who was readily available to fix my leaking toilet at midnight when my parents were out of town would be the one I spent the rest of my life with. Man, God certainly had a plan for us!

 I want to thank you for loving, accepting, and just getting me. We've seen eachother at our best, and not so great moments, and I wouldn't change a thing about our life, because it's made us who we are, and what we are today. Happy 6 years to my best friend, my partner, and my soul mate. I love you more than you know, and can't wait to see what unfolds in the upcoming chapters.

In HIS Grip,

Monday, April 16, 2012

back to reality

We're baaaaack! Relaxed, refreshed, and a little less white from a few days away from civilization. I think people need more of this. Just peace and serenity, with no connection to the outside world. Time to reflect, and just be.

No cars. No actual road's. No street lights. Just sand, golfcarts, hammocks, kayaks, pretty water, dolphins, manatees, sting rays, crazy jumping fish, and beautiful sunshine. This was our first vacation together...just us...ever, and it was perfect!
We had healthy honest to goodness talks, and not just the proverbial everyday mumbo jumbo. Our dreams, personality traits, and goals for our future. The good stuff :) We both gave a little...I went night fishing with him, and he layed on the beach with me. Love it!

We spent our days doing whatever we wanted, and it was simplicity at it's best! Here's a glimpse of the goodies:

This was "our street."

This is our little island casa.

Coconut trees ev-er-y where!

Cowboy wasn't a fan of the boat, as in he almost had a mini-heart attack in the process. Perhaps next time will be better?

However, he is such a sun baby...just like his mama :)

Dinner at Rum Bay.

Incredible sunsets every night. So blessed!

Nick had a super successful fishing trip! Fish tonight!

My cup runneth over.

Happy day back to work bloggsters :) Make it a good one!

Mucho love!