Wednesday, December 28, 2011

boys don't like peppermint

I got one of the GREATEST Christmas gifts from my husband this year. Typically, we don't exchange gifts. I buy pretties/what I want for the house throughout the year, and in August of this year he finally got his boat. So, naturally, I wasn't expecting to see this shiny beauty perched on my kitchen counter.

Hello gorgeous!

I have been wanting one of these suckers for for-ev-er! I'm thinking that the hub's likes my baking??

Since Christmas, I have been getting my workout on in the kitchen: pumpkin bread, grinch cookies (a.k.a. mint chocolate chip) sweet potato souffle, and coconut cake. Gotta break it in, ya know?

Nick took one bite of my festive, green grinch cookie...discovered they were in fact mint, and left it sitting on the counter.

Last night, I made Williams Sonoma's chocolate peppermint cookies for the boys's at work. Thank's Shannon!!

Pretty, right? Soft, mint-chocolaty perfection!

It's now almost 4PM, and they are still sitting on my desk. This doesn't happen.

Almost all of them have cracked the lid, and just as the sweet aroma of peppermint tickle's their noses, they politely smile, and say, "No thanks."

I've come to the conclusion that boys just don't like peppermint.

The girl's down in the office loved them, and I'm currently on my third...what?

At this rate I'll have no choice but to finally to use my gym membership that I got over the summer

Peace, Love, and Calories, people!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

christmas time

I just realized I haven't blogged one time this season.

I'm sorry.

I think I was waiting for the one perfect thing to write about, when there's truly so much to say about this beautiful time of year.

This month has been chock-full of all the things I love the most: baking, 40 degree FL mornings, shopping, lights, births, glitter, friends, decorating, parties, giving, wrapping, egg nog, yankee candles,, love, love it!

This season has been especially special to me because the past two Christmas's have been really tough in the Dittman home. This year is new, and different, and even though I'll have to Skype with my family on Christmas morning, it will be wonderful to wake up in our home next to the man I love, and spend this Christmas together.

It's in this time that I want to embrace the family traditions that are special to Nick, and to me, but also to develop some new ones of our own. In my family we always go to Cracker Barrel on Christmas Eve morning for breakfast. We've done it for 21 years.

 For some reason, we only have pictures of the past 5 years. Taking pictures...a newer tradition? Yes.
 Then we go to the Christmas Eve service that evening at church, and we come home to a huge itallian dinner prepared by my Mom, and we eat till we're overly stuffed. Then we get to open one gift...(this has slowly dwindled due to the fact that we're still kids at heart, and want to have more to open the next morning.)

This year will be different, and that's ok, and good.
Merry Christmas dear friends, and remember HE is the reason for this fabulous season!

Much love,

Friday, December 2, 2011

lunch time thoughts

Today I got free lunch.

This made me really happy, because it involved a biscuit (Thanks, Bill)

I love biscuits. I don't know if there's anything better in this world than a hot, homemade biscuit right out of the oven with a little bit of butter, jelly, honey...whatever.

Anyways, moving on...

There was also red beans and rice in this lunch combo, which didn't thrill me as much as the biscuit, but smelled really good. Before I dig in, I look for a spoon, or a fork.

I find this

I hate "sporks." They are so odd, and un-natural. Really, what's the point? Just throw a fork, or a spoon in the bag...but don't marry two totally seperate utensils, and force them to become one.

It's just wrong.

I ate my red beans and rice with the "spork," however I felt like I was back in kindergarden.

Any other "spork" haters out there, or is it just me?

Happy Friday, people :)
