Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow I will roast my first turkey. Is that weird that I've never made a whole bird by myself? Tomorrow we will gather around the table, and eat way too much. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I am just giddy with excitement!

I have so much to be thankful for this year, and as routine as it seems...oh well.

* My husbands health. Poor guy has been through so much, and I am truly grateful to just have my buddy home. He knows me. He balances me. He compliments me. I'm just really thankful for him.

* My precious nephew, Ezra. He is a bundle of smiley perfection. He is such a gift to me, and I only wish he lived closer.

* Skype! In just a few clicks I can see the faces I love so much. I'm also thankful for the techi geeks that invented it.

* Arguments. Oddly enough after a good ol' knock down drag calm down, and actually talk through your problems. I love that. I need that.

* My iPhone. Is that shallow? I hope not. I just really love it, and can do just about anything on it. It makes me happy.

* My dog. He's so lazy in the mornings, and likes to stay under all the covers until around 10 am. Sometimes I make the bed with him still in it.

* My kitchen. It's where I feel alive, and I just like to pretend I'm Giada. She's so pretty.

* My Mom.

* Clean sheets. Every Saturday.

* Target clearance. It can make any day instantly better. 30-50% off? Yes, please. Never pay full price. Ever!

* My US Weekly subscription. I look forward to opening the mailbox, and seeing who made the cover each week. I hope we can leave poor Kim & Kris alone by now.

* Y'all who read this brainless blog. means a lot to me :)

* My relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves, accepts, and forgives me. Such mercy I cannot fathom, and I will never walk through this life alone. Thank you, Lord. You are so good to me.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! Hope your day is filled with lots of blessings!

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