Friday, April 6, 2012

the greatest gift

Today is Good Friday, and today is also my 28th Birthday.

As I was driving to pick up my FREE Starbucks Venti Caramel Macchiato (with extra caramel) in my new flippin' cute spring time dress, I was listening to the JOY FM. This is what I heard...

"It started with a debt. A debt that was ours. A debt that we could not pay. We needed a substitute. A sacrifice so valuable that our debt would be paid, and we would be free.

God, out of His sovereign mercy and love sent His only son, Jesus to pay that debt.

The night before He died, Jesus spent a last meal with His disciples...His best friends, knowing that one of them would betray Him. He used the bread, and wine to show them that His own body would pay the debt. He would be the Lamb of God taking on the ugly and cruel sin of the world.

Later that evening Jesus was in the garden praying. He was in agony. Sweat falling from His forehead like great drops of blood crying out, 'Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me, nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.'

You know the rest of the story...

Arrested, tried, and falsely convicted, Jesus was sentenced to be crucified to pay a debt He did not owe. He was willing to be our sacrifice. Beaten beyond human recognition, mocked, and ridiculed. Wounded for our transgressions. Crushed for our iniquities.

He hung naked on the cross until He died. Until the debt was paid. His body was taken down, and burried in a rich man's tomb, and stayed there bound all the next day.

Crucified on Friday.
In the tomb on Saturday.
But on the third day...


Jesus not only paid the debt, He rose from the dead, and broke the bonds of death for all mankind. Sacrificed like a Lamb. He rose like a Lion! A conquering King! The grave could not hold Him!!

John 14 tells us, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Once and for all, He satisfied justice so that we can be free. His death is our life. His wounding is our healing.

It started with a debt that was ours. A debt we could not pay, yet, ends with a gift that we recieve by faith!"

This sweet, sweet truth just brought tears to my eyes, y'all. Such love I cannot understand.
So today, may we ALL be reminded of what Jesus did for us on Calvary, and rejoice that HE IS RISEN!

Thank you Lord for giving me the greatest gift of all. I am so very grateful. Happy Easter dear friends!


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