Tuesday, February 7, 2012

the good stuff

It's Feburary, and FL seems to think it's April.

The pollen has been HORRENDOUS! We're talking God awful yellow powder on everything!

It's bad. And if your've never had allergies...(this guy) well, you do now, b\c it's literally impossible not to swell up like a balloon, experience super itchy/watery eyes, and sneeze your brians out from simply walking outside.

Get the picture?

Anyways...the Lord was gracious to us yesterday, and sent some MUCH needed rain to wash away some of "the yellow devil." As I was walking into the house last night from work, Nick asked me (with his adorable boyish grin) to go fishing with him.

My response: "Fishing? Now?? But it's going to be dark soon. Why don't you just go. I'll stay here, and make dinner." I didn't really feel like going, and besides...it was grey and drizzling.

"Well, I kinda wanted you to come with me...and after a little rain...that's usually the best time for the fish to bite."

I immediately knew I needed to just throw on a baseball cap, and go spend some real quality time with the man I love.

So we did.

We didn't catch anything. Just got bit by a million no-see-ums. Those little monsters will eat you alive!

But, we saw a beautiful sunset

and dolphins scarfing up a school of fish.
Atleast someone got some fish.

It's the little things like this that I don't want to miss. I never want to get so involved in me, my life, or my schedule to neglect to meet a girlfriend for coffee, pick up the phone to call my grandparents, or just sit on the tailgate of our massive F350 and talk to my husband while he works in the garage.

This is the good stuff.

Happy Tuesday!

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