Monday, April 18, 2011

my weekend

This weekend was a little different, but I wouldn't have changed a thing about it.

Friday night, I met my 2 dear girlfriends Noemi and Megan for dinner at Mekenita's for some delicious pacific mexican and drinks. Still not sure what pacific mexican is...but it's darn good! I highly recommend it!

After dinner, we headed over to Home Goods to do some browsing. I could quite possibly spend HOURS there. It's my happy place.

Saturday morning, I met my mother-in-law for breakfast, and we talked, and talked, and talked. It was really wonderful, and long over due. Then I worked my magic at Kirklands, and SCORED on a fabulous painting for our dining room. Their clearance is ahh-mazing! Came home, did laundry, got a pedicure (hot pink), and finished the evening with a Skype date w/my hubby, my dad, and my brother. They were all in Maryland on the same weekend. Crazy, right?

Sunday I started my coupon clipping. I only ended up saving a whopping .50 cents on my grocery bill this time, but I'm just learning this. I will get better...hopefully. On our afternoon Skype chat, Nick suprised me w/a plane ticket to D.C. next weekend for our 5 yr anniversary.

 He has been up there for a week for work (he comes home Friday, and will leave again on Monday). I am really excited to see the city and spend a great weekend together! The rest of our Sunday was pretty chill. Cowboy and I layed out in the sun, and I got a little color finally...praises! We feel asleep early, and didn't even get to finish "Dispicable Me"

How was your weekend?

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