Tuesday, April 19, 2011

what to be?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher? A firefighter? A zoo keeper? A dancer? A football player?

I always wanted to be a marine biologist. I had an obsession with manatee's. Sea cow's! For real! I was  crazy about them. In elementry school, my best friend, Cameron and I even adopted one. We thought we were so cool...and we kinda were :)

Today, I have NO desire to study marine life whatsoever. I do still have a soft spot for the fat little manatee's, and look forward to seeing them when we go up to Crystal River. But it's not a passion anymore.

So how do you know what you want to be? What is your calling? Is it instilled in you as a child? Does it change frequently?

I sometimes envy those people who have known what they want to do from childhood. My husband, Nick for example, has always known he wanted to be a cop. His mom has pictures of him from age 6 with plastic handcuffs on his belt. We could have an entire Christmas tree covered in just police ornaments that he has collected over the years. It makes my heart smile. He knew his passion.

I am 27 years old, and am still trying to find my calling. What am I meant to be, Lord?

I always thought it was something in the medical field. I went through medical assisting school, and figured out really fast that it was not for me. Then, I nannied for 5 years for 2 precious little boys, and realized how important those young years are. I worked at Starbucks, and realized how happy coffee makes people. Now, I am currently working as a receptionist and going to school in the evenings.

But at the end of the day, I am still wondering what my purpose is? Who am I?
I think it's very important to know what makes you tick. What fulfills you? What makes you smile?

So, I am re-evaluating what makes me, me. What are my strengths? Where do I find my satisfaction? The text I got this morning from my Mom. "Follow your TRUE passion, Kiki." I love my Mom.

Hope you have a beautiful Tuesday friends...doing whatever makes you, you.


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